LSNC School Curriculum

Some background information...

Nassiri traveled around the world to 18 different countries to film the music video for his song “Love Sees No Color.” The film featured a cast of thousands of children from all over the world in their native costumes singing in 15 different languages! The film includes amazing scenes and footage from the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Taj Mahal in India, the Great Wall of China, the Statue of Liberty in New York City, and the great Pyramids in Egypt to name just a few

Nassiri was so inspired by the children, that upon his return home to the United States, he decided to create a school curriculum in an effort to teach our young generations the valuable lessons of Love Sees No Color.

Nassiri believes that music has its most power when it is created from a pure heart, mind and soul. For years, while writing the songs for his two albums, “Love Sees No Color” and Now’s the Time, Nassiri abstained from all worldly passions and desires in an effort to remain pure so that his songs, as well as his performance, would reflect purity and healing in his music and his message. The kind of pure energy that’s needed to make a profound impact and heal.

It’s that purity and innocence that is the reason why Nassiri chose to work with children, mostly between the ages of 6 and 13, for the filming of his music video. Because children are the essence of purity and innocence. And who better to help promote such a positive energy and life-force as children?

Click video below to view the Love Sees No Color world peace video ...

Success Stories!

A pilot program was launched at Lee Antonello Elementary School (Las Vegas, NV) in August of ’06. The program united Nassiri’s music into the ethnic diversity curriculum at the school. The purpose of his music is to create awareness and spread the message of peace and harmony to the world through the power of music through the eyes of children.

Dr. Linda Young, Director of the Equity and Diversity Education Division of the Clark County School District and Judy Steele, President and CPO of the Public Education Foundation in Las Vegas, Nevada, were instrumental in introducing the program to the school district and Lee Antonello School.

Lee Antonello Principal Linda Reese, 2nd Grade Teacher Jennifer Ayers and 13 other teachers worked with Nassiri for several months in developing the pilot program and comprehensive lesson plan. The curriculum identifies a specific content area and partners it with songs whereupon specific objectives are identified.

A follow-up meeting with CCSD (Clark County School District) and the principals and teachers at Lee Antonello School in August 2007, revealed that the program is an outstanding success! Dr. Linda Young stated, “We have been so pleased with this pilot program. The principal and teachers at Lee Antonello School spent many resourceful hours in creating the curriculum and teaching their students this last school term. They’re all very excited to once again include this program in their courses for the coming school year.”

Principal Linda Reese believes “It encompasses a great deal. The big thing that we see is that our school went from AYP, meaning that we did not meet the average yearly progress requirement as put forth in “No Child Left Behind” to a school that is now designated as high achieving. We see this as an integral part of that whole progress in terms of student achievement. The program has made a difference. The whole thing is a puzzle and it’s a piece of that puzzle – a very important piece of that puzzle.”

Assistant Principal Kody Bartu commented “The kids were very, very happy and enthusiastic about what was going on in the building, the involvement, the activities, whether it was during the school day or after the school day. We had more parent involvement than we have ever had, because this brought them in. This message is reaching everybody.

This pilot project was funded by a grant from Nassiri through the Clark County Public Education Foundation. Future plans are to make it available to other district schools statewide and soon thereafter, nationally and internationally.

During the first full year of integration into the school courses, teacher Jennifer Ayers stated “The children love to listen to the music. They just interact better with each other. They understand what it is to be peaceful and to get along and the purpose for why they are learning all this.”

Nassiri’s wish is to expand the “Love Sees No Color/Now’s the Time” School Curriculum on a global scale. During these troubling and uncertain times, Nassiri believes that the lessons that develop through his curriculum are essential to the mental, emotional, and social health of our children and young adults.


Sample Classroom Assignments







Love Sees No Color

  • Tolerance
  • Respect
  • Anti-Bullying
  • Anti-Racism

Students are encouraged to use peaceful methods to resolve conflicts in a peaceful and respectful manner



Love is the Reason

  • Compassion
  • Kindness
  • Sincerity
  • Charity

Teach students to learn the power of giving and being charitable



Love Will See You Through

  • Facing Adversity
  • Determination
  • Power of Optimism

Students are taught to understand the power of optimism and belief in themselves.



Faces of Love

  • Compassion
  • Harmony
  • Unity
  • Tolerance

Help students to understand that beauty, kindness, and compassion are qualities that are more than skin deep.



Mother Nature

  • Conservation
  • Preservation
  • Nature Awareness
  • Global Warming

Students learn how to truly respect the planet as well as protect it for future generations.



Where There’s a Will

  • Confidence
  • Courage
  • Conviction

Teaching students that belief in one’s self is one of the most powerful tools they can carry through life.



Now’s the Time

  • Compassion
  • Determination
  • Problem Solving

Students learn how to do more than just “talk about” issues facing our world and civilization, they learn how to do something about them.



Yes We Can

  • Discipline
  • Confidence
  • Conviction
  • Empowerment

Based on the premise that a journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step, students are encouraged to find the strength, the courage and conviction to make this a better world not just for themselves, but for everyone.

A NEW Happy Birthday Song!

An added song to the Love Sees No Color / Now’s the Time School Curriculum is a new Happy Birthday song written by Nassiri. Unlike the traditional birthday song that people have used over the years, Nassiri’s new birthday song is uplifting, festive, and most of all… HAPPY! Nassiri believes that if this song could play whenever a student has a birthday, the children would all have the opportunity to start their day in a better mood. And surely, happier children learn better.


In Conclusion …

The Love Sees No Color/Now’s the Time Curriculum allows education to continue to evolve into something more than “reading, writing and arithmetic.” Lessons of compassion, integrity, courage and possibility reign throughout the 8 featured songs in the curriculum, giving children the ability to improve on their emotional and social stability as well as their academics. 

Proof of the effects of the curriculum were made evident in the initial trials with elementary students from Lee Antonello and Gene Ward Elementary Schools, as evidenced by the aforementioned testimonials by education professionals.

For years, math, english, science, and gym have been the basic and fundamental studies in our children’s classrooms. Nassiri believes that education needs to go the next level in the 21st Century, and introduce skills and character traits that make our children not just smarter students, but better people. The lessons developed through the Love Sees No Color/Now’s the Time School curriculum allow the possibility of a new generation of students to live and work together in peace and harmony and in a school climate free from racism, bullying, and prejudice. Nassiri believes in a world that is free of those things. But for that to happen, Nassiri also believes that we need to start with our children and our schools. It’s the easiest and the most efficient path to a peaceful and harmonious world.